Real Results

Australian zeolite powder has proven its versatility time and time again. Read the real results some of our customers have achieved from using our zeolite products.
Zeolite + Fulvic/Humic Acid Powder & Activated Zeolite Powder
I wanted to give you an update about my experience with zeolite so far and also express my appreciation for your ethical product, company and services.
I started slow as suggested (1/8 of a teaspoon) but was able to quickly increase to 1-2 tsp per day.
The most obvious change has been weight – I do not weigh myself but I have probably gone down almost (but not quite) a jeans size (eg. from a size 14 to almost a size 12 in jeans size) in about 3 weeks of use. For context, I rapidly gained an enormous amount of weight (probably up to 70 kilograms) after my electro-convulsive torture. This confirms my earlier hypothesis that I had gained at least some of this weight due to neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and/or other problems related to electroporation (perforation of my blood brain barrier).
I have not really noticed any neurocognitive changes yet; however, I think the weight loss is significant and I believe that this product will be a useful adjunct to my other alternative treatments going forward, as I seek to hopefully improve my neurological status, or at least maintain my current status, and hopefully also prevent further deterioration of my overall health. Thanks again.
DH, WA June 2022
[Activated Zeolite Capsules] Good product! Good product, and the strength of zeolite is exactly advised. Fast delivery.
Linda Pankhurst
[Zeolite with Fulvic Humic Complex] I take it every day and feel great :) It’s a must for me. It removes not only heavy metals from my body, but also histamine. Brenda explained everything very patiently to me about benefits of zeolite and humic/fulvic acid plus taught me how to take it properly. I take it every day and feel great :)
Ewa Olszewski
I have achieved great results to date: It has been a pleasure to be a customer of yours, and the wonderful products your business has provided to myself and so many others. I have achieved great results to date, through those products along with other regimens and am truly appreciative of that. In particular the Activated Zeolite capsules seem to be a unique product that I think have really helped me, especially with Covid. In general, I have sought an alternative route, for my condition and it is paying dividends.
Philip Proietti
Awesome product and brilliant service: My hubby and I have been taking the zeolite and fulvic acid for a couple of weeks now. I had done all my research about the product and found it had many health benefits and safe. After all my research I found Zeonatual and had a good chat to the owner, Brenda. She explained the product and benefits and answered all my questions as well as future email questions I had sent. The service from Zeonatural is brilliant and it’s great to be able to have a conversation about the products.
The actual product is awesome too. We have found great health benefits. Better sleep, clearer mind and digestion. We have just stated taking this but already the benefits are noticeable. I’m looking forward to seeing if it helps with hayfever. I can highly recommend zeolite for the health benefits and I known this brand is organic and the best you can get. Thanks Brenda for making this awesome product available.
[Activated Zeolite with Fulvic/Humic Capsules] This product has really made a huge difference to my life: I usually can’t tolerate any type of toxic fumes. I can’t enter shops selling fabrics, paint or perfumed candles without suffering a reaction. I also love to paint and usually wear a mask. Zeo Natural has made it possible to live more normally I now have no reaction around these normal triggers and can paint without a mask.
Cheryl DeJong
[Zeolite Powder with Fulvic/Humic Complex] I feel blessed to have found such an amazing product: This product saved my mothers life and has made a huge difference in all our families health I feel blessed to have found such an amazing product it has helped with so many ailments, my mother had mercury poisoning and was on her death bed I gave her the zeolite fluvic humic and the medical staff could not believe the turn around wishing less than 24 hours thanks for providing such a blessed product Brenda.
Mana Astarita
[Zeolite Powder with Fulvic/Humic Complex] Love love love: My mother introduced me to zeolite in Jan 2023. She had purchased a tub for me to try and informed me on what it is and what the benefits are. As soon as she told me it detoxifys metals that we consumer in everyday life, I was interested. So I did some research, read some reviews and decided start taking this daily/following the instructions. It's now mid April and I have noticed so many great things over the short few months. I don't have any brain fog and feel I can actually think clearly during my day. I have so much more enegery that I don't even need cafe bought coffee anymore (pod coffee was never strong enough to get me started for the day), my skin has been so much clearer ( although I've also just jumped on the skincare ban wagon) but I just feel my insides are more cleansed and clean. I've almost finished my tub and will certainly be stocking up on my next purchase. This stuff is great and I'm so glad to have incorporated consuming this into my daily routine now.
Absolutely amazing results: Having started a zeolite detox since Feb, I started on this particular one 6 weeks ago. The difference is unbelievable. My energy levels have improved 100%. Working 10-12 hour days 7 days a week as a farmer, I need it! I feel so much more alert, my brain is more active. My skin is so much better, more elasticity and refined. Being perimenopausal, all the aches and pains I used to get have all disappeared. I'm so much more relaxed, my ability to handle stressful situations has improved massively. My body decided it didn't want caffeine any more, and now drinking water all day. My body actually wants healthy foods. I'm feeling better now approaching 50, than what I did in my 20's! I can honestly say, my body is extremely grateful for me deciding to start looking after it, and this Activated Zeolite with Fulvic Acid has been the greatest game changer for me. If you're still thinking about it, don't wait any longer. You'll be so glad you did, and so will your body!
Jenny Jones
Parasites & Mold Toxicity: I discovered Zeolite as part of my research on how best to treat parasites and mold toxicity as I had become very unwell after living in a home where mold was present. Since commencing a daily dose of Zeo Natural Activated Zeolite I have lost 10 kg, brain fog has improved dramatically, my skin and eyes are clear again and I feel as if a mental weight has also been lifted. Hard to explain but I feel lighter and more motivated to make positive changes to other areas of my life! I have since told anyone and everyone to do their research and discover the power of this mineral. My partner works in heavy industry and has regular blood tests to check his lead levels. We were absolutely thrilled to see they had come down after only several weeks of taking Zeolite Fulvic/Humic blend. I now use it for soaking my veg, cleaning my house and treating my face and body to a detoxifying mask as well as using it as a daily supplement. It really is amazing how many uses one product can have! I am now resting easy in the knowledge I'm no longer loading my family up with excess and unnecessary chemicals. Here's to a healthier body and home moving forward!
Melanie Frodsham
Zeolite Powder
Your products are amazing! I have a friend who has been taking the zeolite in water daily and he has excessive iron - Hereditary Hemochromatosis - that he has to get blood lettings for. They test his Ferritin level every few months. His recent test indicated his level was almost half of what it was at the last test. His condition is listed in my reference book for muscle testing as a Metabolic Toxin. Thank you for bringing such great products and information to the world.
Sue Hogan
This is a must for me and i encourage people to try it its a game changer: Seriously this stuff has removed some toxin thats been giving me migraine for ages i actually feel better from drinking this baths in it even got some soap with it in and without it i think id still be sick. This is a must for me and i encourage people to try it its a game changer.
Kym Wright
I have been using your products for a few years, I recommend them to all of my friends: The pain relief that I am enjoying from using the Zeolite Powder is second to none and changed my life, I also use the Zeo soap, I love it, it lasts for quite a while, true value for the money for sure.
Helen Fordham
Easily Digestible: Using this daily certainly caused no problems when consuming or with digesting. Works extremely well on skin made into a paste with distilled water on rashes, bites and stings. Apply 3 x layers and all itching stops while it draws out toxins.
Great Stuff: Love it. Highly recommended for your health.
Amazing natural product: I no longer am bloated since using the Zeolite powder and feel fantastic with more energy and alertness. I truly recommend it for anyone who wants to feel better and have more energy.
From my knees down, all bleeding, scabby and oozing puss. Horrible sores and embarrassing. 8 months ago, Dr gave me antibiotics and said if we don't, you may lose the leg because it was going to the bone.They didn't do anything. When my adult granddaughter visited (she swore by Zeolite powder), she made a paste. I left it on all day and then again after showering. She left some with me. It took a couple of weeks, no sores, my legs look amazing now. I decided to keep using it because it just takes everything away and makes it comfortable. My child granddaughter had a sore, it went straight away with the paste.
Amputee - Stump Ulcers:
I had a small recurring ulcer on my stump. I tried Zeolite mud on it. I went to the Dr and asked if it was infected, she said No. I told her I used Zeolite powder, the Dr said, keep using it, it's working for you.
Why did I start using it? The ulcer started weeping, I thought to myself, I might try Zeolite. I made a mud, it worked, BANG straight off the bat! I stopped with my leg. You think, you don't have to use it anymore, but it's best to keep using it. I use Zeolite mud daily because the mud is keeping the ulcer from coming back. I tried Zeo Naturals Zeolite mud on a cyst I have on my forehead, in only 4 days I could see the cyst go from swollen to shrinking. I've also tried the mud on another cyst on my nose. I'm treating my forehead and nose daily. If Zeolite keeps shrinking the cysts at this rate, I'll be rapt. It's bloody good stuff. Now, I've ordered the Capsules, because I want it to do on the inside, what it's doing on the outside.
Warren, RUSE NSW
We've been using your zeolite powder for many years and for us the results are amazing. Joy had bright red moles on many parts of her body but after taking zeolite for a short while these disappeared to a light brown sort of blemish that looks completely not angry, plus she feels more energetic and calmer in spirit. For myself the results are amazing, l wore compression stockings on both knees for four years to help me to walk until I came across zeolite. After taking it for ten days or so the stockings were thrown away and the pain reduced markedly, my energy and general health is much improved, I'm thrilled with the product. Today I underwent x-rays on my knees and feet with a view to replacement of the right knee which is worn out. There is so much that zeolite has done for me that it's too much to fit into a message.
Also my hands have had drying skin and severe cracks for a long time, I tried several different creams and visited dermatology people without any improvement, came across Cracked Heel Cream from Aldi Supermarket which worked a treat but it then became unavailable. We got our mum into care and when we cleaned up her house came across a foot bath we had given her years ago, l started using it and also added zeolite to the water, after a week my hands started improving, l am thinking that my body is being relieved of toxins via my feet.
Geoff and Joy W., Dimboola, Vic, May 2022
I just wanted to let you know, my daughter and I have had unexplained, perpetual skin rashes for a very long time (years). They don’t clear up with any antibiotics or other treatments. The blemishes would never heal properly before flaring up all over again. Ive had eczema for most of my life too & then I had adverse reactions to reflux medications to compound everything, so I had to cease all medications. Miraculously, both of us have realised this morning that our blemishes have disappeared! No itching, no redness, no open wounds, no bleeding, no weeping or rashes. I think it’s only been a week for us both. THANK YOU for guiding me in this discovery. I can’t wait to share it with others!
Matty Ivanovic, Adelaide, South Australia, April 2020
I’ve been using zeolite for all sorts of bites and stings. Oftentimes I’ll just dust on the powder if it’s immediate first aid. It works well on leech bites, blue bottle stings, spider bites, jack jumper and bull ants stings and bites as well as mosquito and fly bites. It’s a true blessing! I reapply it over the course of the next few days as the bite resolves. It takes out the itch, pain and redness really quickly. Thank you again for this amazing product!
Rachel, February 2022
I absolutely loved the book, read it over the weekend, already had 3 cups of Zeolite over the last three days, love the taste and so do the kids. I’m very excited about bringing Zeolite into our lives permanently now and seeing what good it will bring us. Thank YOU for YOUR work in this area, and for spreading awareness/sharing your expertise. I’ll be making many more orders. Thanks for the attached links too! Kudos to you for doing this work so that the rest of us can learn and be enlightened by your passion and dedication, I love it!
Naomi, Turramurra. May 2019
I first bought the zeolite powder for my mum who had a benign pituitary gland tumour. Mum no longer has a pituitary gland to produce hormones and the zeolite has helped balance her body back to almost normal. The zeolite also helped with her type 2 diabetes. After taking zeolite for three months Mum no longer needs to inject the insulin as her diabetes is pretty normal now. Still on tablets but hoping to come off them soon. After another two months my mum is doing great. The zeolite has been very good with water retention as well. Mum was very bloated from steroids but has now dropped four dress sizes. The doctors are really impressed with all her bloods.
W. Priddy, Portsmouth, UK
I have been using the Zeo/Fulvic powder now for about 3 weeks. The difference in that time have been so beneficial. First, my energy level rose. It had been so sluggish then.... zeo/fulvic . Different girl!!! It just got better and energy lasted longer as well . I had felt for months like my brain was in a fog and my thinking was clouded with impact on focus and concentration. Within about 3 days of taking the zeo/fulvic, that all changed quite dramatically and the 'fog" lifted. My "insides" feel better too. Have shared some of my zeolite with friends who have taken the "ingredient" until they sort themselves out.
Eva Formica, November 2021
Results of a couple of blood tests over the period of about a year showed that I had iron overload. I had a few symptoms including dizziness, lethargy and sleeplessness. The doctor ordered a genetics test for hemochromatosis. I started taking the zeolite with fulvic and humic acid every day about a week before the genetics test as I had heard it can help with iron overload. The test came back clear with iron levels in the normal range. Also, about three days after drinking it every day, I stopped getting the weird dizzy feeling I was getting in my head and it hasn’t been back. I was getting the feeling every day before that! I feel I have much more energy too!
S. Quantrell, NSW, March 2021
EMF Sensitivity
In September of 2018 I developed severe EMF sensitivity. It was that bad I was unable to be in the modern world anymore. I moved to a black zone because it was that bad I would have died if I didn’t. Two months after moving I started taking your Zeolite and the effect was instant. After taking it for 7 months my symptoms had reduced enough that I was able to go into the modern world and have my mercury fillings removed. I am now on my way to having my life back. Zeolite saved my life. I love it so much.
C. Mackin, Vic, January 2021
Postpartum Depression
Thanks so much Brenda!! I suggest this to everyone. I’ve had PPD for 3 1/2 years and it finally faded away after about 2 months of consistent zeolite use. I am so glad you provide such a quality product! It is such a good product and is so easy to take! I hope it helps other mamas who might be struggling.
M. Peavy, Marshall, MN, USA, January 2020
Zeolite and MSM
I started taking zeolite and MSM about 2 months ago and have noticed quite a few improvements in my overall health.
Halitosis. As I had already done a lot of work on my gut and diet I asked a naturopath what else could be the cause. She suggested I clear up the heavy metals in my body and it may disappear. It did and I attribute it to taking zeolite!
Liver. With my first liver flush, the sludge stank but the second time, I drank zeolite water during the flush and the sludge had zero smell.
Weight. My 11 year old son started to put on weight about 8 months ago with absolutely no change to his diet. He looked pale and pudgy all over, poor kid. A month or so after starting him on MSM ½ tsp and zeolite ½ tsp per day, again with no diet change, he started to go back to normal and has now improved dramatically and I’m so so glad. I have to pay him 50 cents to drink it but whatever works, right? I’m not sure if it’s the MSM and zeolite but everything I’ve read (thanks to your book) suggests it could be and that we all need to be detoxing and cleaning our bodies daily. I think it’s helpíng him with his learning difficulties/concentration, too. Both my son and I, who are usually very hungry have been eating a bit less, just like the horses in your book!
Dehydration. I’ve been suffering from dehydration for a long time, despite drinking huge amounts of water. I feel like the MSM helps the water soak into my body somehow, like it makes the water wetter?? I use my intuition (and taste buds) on how much to take thanks to Rayelene (and others) stating that it’s safe to take plenty and harmless to take too much. So I actually have it in pretty much every glass of water I drink. MSM helps, that’s for sure.
Skin. My skin is really nice and I feel like I’m not getting burnt as easily this year (I love the sun). Also, the persistent cuts in-between my little toes, despite keeping them clean, dry and well tea tree oiled have gone too, thanks to your zeolite and the MSM.
Animals. I used zeolite on my chicken’s combs to treat black spot, I think it worked. Oh and I’ve been putting it in the doggies water bowl and they love it.
General wellbeing. I can concentrate!!! Think clearly, remember things, sleep less…. I have more energy and stamina. My life’s not perfect but I’m so grateful for the improvement as I have been unwell for so long. I really feel like the MSM and zeolite have made a huge difference to my health. I’m still not where I’d like to be but when you’re sick any differences count. I wouldn’t want to live without zeolite and MSM now!!
I had another quick look at your book before I gave it to my Aunt the other day and I must comment again on how fantastic it is. It’s packed full of information but set out simply, interestingly and down to earth, pun intended lol :). I love the pictures and photos. I’ll read anything however it looks but for those family and community members who are not so dedicated, your book is a winner! I’ve since bought two more copies, one for my dentist and another for an old family friend who looks terrible! He’s worked with pest control his whole career. I have so many more people I want to buy copies for too! Thanks so much again for such a fantastic book and everything you have done.
J. Simpson, Perth. February 2019
Zeolite Capsules
The capsules are AMAZING!!! I’ve been suffering from IBS and Chronic Fatigue for 10 years and these are the only things that have helped.
Melita, Greenacre, NSW
Radiation Therapy
I have been having radiation therapy for breast cancer. Usually this will badly affect my skin, causing it to split open. I am now taking zeolite powder between radiation treatments and my skin is staying healthy, with no splitting.
Rita, Brisbane, Qld, December 2015
Mercury Poisoning from Amalgam Fillings
I had all my amalgam mercury fillings removed two months ago and zeolite is the ONLY product that I can rely on to remove the mercury toxicity from my body and brain.
For the last 40 years I thought I had an allergy to food or the pollen in the air. I suffered with awful headaches and low energy, felt miserable all the time and spent thousands of dollars on health treatments with no results, not knowing that all that time my immune system was working so hard 24/7 trying to keep me in balance.
Four years ago my daughter, a nutrition student at the time, advised me to try zeolite. I started taking liquid zeolite but six months ago I was still overloaded with toxic mercury and collapsed with exhaustion.
I finally found a dentist who could help. I took your zeolite capsules before and during the extraction to help my immune system and now I have mercury free fillings. It will take months, maybe years, to reduce my toxicity to zero, but every day I’m much better and one day my memory of this nightmare mercury poisoning will fade into the past.
The zeolite capsules are far better than the liquid zeolite and work very well and much quicker. I will be taking your zeolite all the time and know I will enjoy much better health now and in the future.
I am 60 now, but I feel like I’m 35 with no headaches, a clear mind, good energy and good health. I will be taking zeolite night and day for the rest of my life. Why? Well the relief is beyond words, I can only express with a happy smile and with thanks, that I learnt to take hold of my own health and search out what is true and honest and naturally pure. God’s gift of zeolite for us, yes it’s like the air we breath, important for us all.
I honestly never, ever thought in all my hopes and dreams that I could feel so well again. I thought that oh well, that’s what it’s like to be older now at 60 but no, we can be healthy at any age and then grow older … and my arthritis has gone, much better, and my joints have no more pain, so I can work and be active still, good eh?
Lloyd Clarke, Caboolture South, Qld, February 2016
Morgellons Disease
This is my second bag of zeolite. I have had Morgellons for about 3 ½ years. It has really helped my body get rid of the toxins. Before taking it my nerves would continually cramp up. Thank you for providing a great product. I have been recommending it on my Morgellons Australia page on fb and in other lyme related groups, it is a great product for anyone going through a long term illness where toxins can build up, and hinder the healing process. I take one teaspoon a day most days and if I miss a few I feel it.
M. Madsen, Lymington, Tas, April 2016
Chemical Sensitivities
Are you ready for it!! Zeolite to the rescue, live again!! I went to a convention at Brisbane Entertainment Centre for a 3 day convention with 9 thousand people. I haven’t been able to do that for 14 years. They did have great air con, but still I was not able to do it before, even with air con. I have been on zeolite for 6 months to get to this stage, zeolite is giving me more of a great life.
L. Sweeny, Nambucca Heads, NSW, November 2013
Severe Skin Rash
My name is Pauline Brady and I am 67 years of age and live in South Australia.
Two weeks before Christmas I developed a rash over my whole body. My skin was constantly itchy and very sensitive. I could not go out in the sun for more than 2 or 3 minutes and wearing clothes irritated my skin. I could only wear loose fitting cotton clothing.
After consulting a GP I was told it was an allergy and to take antihistamines which did nothing to improve my condition. We then visited our son in Queensland for Christmas and I was taking cold packs to bed with me to keep the inflammation at bay.
On arrival back from Queensland I visited my GP who did blood tests. Results of bloods showed my white cell count was low affecting my immune system. I thought this rather strange as I have for many years taken nutritional supplements and I eat the best diet I can and drink filtered water as my main source of fluids.
The GP then referred me to a dermatologist who took many other bloods with the results showing no abnormalities. Having two different types of rashes, (one was very dry and scaly, similar to scabies and the other similar to large warts) the dermatologist performed 2 biopsies. She says “they found nothing” but they did eliminate scabies.
Three or four months had passed with no improvement at all and still no diagnosis from any medical practitioner. I started to investigate why I would have a low immune system which listed amalgam fillings. When I was young, before my teens, I consulted a dentist who would fill people’s teeth just to make money. He was eventually put out of business. I had approximately 13-15 amalgams.
I had all the amalgams replaced but wondered how I would get the mercury out of my body. I consulted a naturopath who took live bloods and confirmed my diagnosis of heavy metals in my system. Nothing he prescribed helped the rash.
A friend of mine told me about Zeolite. How amazed I was after 2 days I knew it was working, my skin felt much calmer. Within 7 days all the rash had disappeared. My husband also takes it as although he has given up now, he smoked for 55 years and would be at risk of cancer but not now he has the Zeolite. He now has heaps of energy and does not have his afternoon naps any more. My son and several other family and friends are so impressed with my improvement that they now all take Zeolite. Everyone is amazed at the change I have gone through since being on this wonderful product. Even the hairdresser couldn’t believe how much healthier my hair is now.
I am so grateful to have Zeolite – it is such an amazing supplement and will take it for the rest of my life. I thank Rayelene and all her team for their wonderful support.
P. Brady, SA, September 2015
Before taking Zeolite
After taking Zeolite
Psoriasis, Lyme’s Disease and Debilitating Rash on Shitzu
The Zeolite is amazing! It completely cleared up my partner’s Psoriasis in three weeks! I have Lyme’s and am feeling much better myself. I have sent several other friends to you and the reports back are also good. Happy for you to use our testimonial, we are just so wrapped at the result for the psoriasis, she had tried everything on the planet to get rid of it and nothing worked – except the ‘Zeolite’. The skin has completely regrown a healthy pink colour. My partner took a level teaspoon at night before going to bed (away from other foods and minerals etc) and I took a heaped. So far so good! We also put it in our dog’s food and a debilitating rash on my Malteze Shitzu (which the Vet told me was uncurable and would get worse and that there was absolutely nothing he could do for her) has completely cleared up!
G. Allen, Clareville, NSW, September 2013
Urinary Tract Infection
I recently had a very painful urinary tract infection and a friend gave me some zeolite powder to see if it would help. It did and worked very quickly, in less than 24 hours it had completely cleared up.
T. Sanchez, Hawks Nest, NSW, June 2014
Happy Cat, Acne Cleared Up and More
We have been giving our five year old cat half a teaspoon of zeolite powder in her wet food every day for a few weeks. Since then there has been a tremendous change in her behaviour. Whereas before she was grumpy and sedentary, now the grumpiness has gone and she is full of life and playful.
Our teenage son has had cystic acne for years on his face, back and legs. The condition had begun to clear but painful boils were still appearing frequently until he started having one teaspoon of zeolite in water every day. The boils are no longer appearing and the healing process has accelerated.
We gave some zeolite to a friend to try. After taking it for awhile she noticed that red patches which she’d had on the back of her arms for many years had completely disappeared.
My wife and I have both been drinking it and feel it has made an overall improvement in our health. The whole family is having great results from zeolite powder, we think it’s great.
J. Hogg, Palm Beach, Qld, June 2014
Zeolite is a very helpful mineral! When our cats had suspected giardia it was the only thing that helped them heal, powerful stuff!!!
It wasn’t a confirmed case of giardia but all the symptoms matched and after researching I realised they use zeolite to filter giardia from drinking water so I proceeded to treat them with it and the results were instant.
J. Rogers, Umina, NSW, November 2014
Zeolite Mud
My daughter was developing a Stye in her eye, over two days it was getting more red, sore and the eye area looking almost purple. I was going to go to the pharmacy and investigate topical antibiotics but thought about giving the magic mud a go first. I made my first batch of zeolite mud, a bit runny but nevertheless applied it to her eye area three times over the course of an evening. We washed it off before bed and…the next morning the eye area was almost completely healed! The pain was 90% gone, purple swelling resolved and the lump where the Stye had been significantly smaller. Love the mud! Thank you for bringing this amazing mud into the Australian market for us.
Naomi, Turramurra. June 2019
Acne Scars
The zeolite has been great. My younger daughter has got bad acne scars and said they are finally starting to disappear, just by taking the zeolite and making some diet changes! My daughter has been staying away from starchy foods and grains. She has lots of green juices and smoothies. Apart from that it’s mainly fresh fruit and veggies with quinoa or rice. She is not a big meat eater but not a vegetarian either, she’s eating a bit of chicken, fish and eggs too. And no processed foods of course. I am so glad I came across the Zeolite, thanks again.
S. Schult, Albany, January 2014
Zeolite Soap
I have always been allergic to oil and petroleum products but I love tinkering with motors and am a truck driver by trade. All along my eyelids would get puffy and sore and tiny little white lumps would appear. The allergic reaction increased significantly when I started driving road trains through remote areas and had to do repairs myself in extremely hot weather. The allergic reaction became almost unbearable because my hands started swelling up and the palms of my hands and fingers were covered in hundreds of irritating lumps. On my next week long break from driving, I was given some zeolite soap and told that it would help.
It helped so well that the lumps and swelling went down within a few hours. I took the soap back on the road with me and now use it every day in the shower and every time I wash my hands and have had no allergic reactions since. What I really like about it, too, is that it is so long lasting that it lasts for weeks and never goes soft in my soap container.
S. Myall, Tea Gardens, NSW, May 2013
Beautifying Face Mask
It’s the best mask I’ve ever used, in fact it’s the most effective skin care product I’ve used in 40 years in the beauty industry. C. Armstrong, Product Formulator and Founder of Spa & Wellness Magazine, Mountain Creek, Qld. April 2013 Thank you so much for those face masks! My girlfriend and I tried them on the weekend and our skin feels absolutely amazing! B. Hehir, Arundel, Qld. September, 2013 Thanks, Brenda, the mask was delivered yesterday. I have used it before and my husband thinks it is the only mask I have ever used that you can actually see the difference in my skin tone and texture.