Should I take zeolite while I’m pregnant and breast feeding?

Scientific studies show that heavy metals cross the placenta and can also be stored in breast milk. Heavy metals are a known cause of neurological and other health problems for newborns so it is beneficial to both mother and baby to take zeolite powder while pregnant and breast feeding.
Zeolite powder helps to safely and effectively remove heavy metals from the body
Zeolite powder travels safely down through the gastrointestinal tract. It does not cross the blood/brain barrier so it will not cross the placenta. Even though zeolite powder does not travel through the body, it still removes stored toxins. There are many scientific studies about the danger of heavy metals during pregnancy and breast feeding, the following are links to some of them.
The role of the placenta in fetal exposure to heavy metals
The heavy metals mercury, lead, and cadmium are toxicants, which are well-known to cross the placenta and to accumulate in fetal tissues. Prenatal exposure to mercury and lead poses a health threat particularly to the developing brain. Fetal exposures to lead and cadmium correlate with reduced birth weight and birth size.
Prenatal exposure to metal mixtures and newborn neurobehavior in the Rhode Island Child Health Study
Background: Prenatal exposure to metals can affect the developing fetus and negatively impact neurobehavior. The associations between individual metals and neurodevelopment have been examined, but little work has explored the potentially detrimental neurodevelopmental outcomes associated with the combined impact of coexisting metals. The objective of this study is to evaluate prenatal metal exposure mixtures in the placenta to elucidate the link between their combined effects on newborn neurobehavior.
Blood and placental concentrations of cadmium, lead, and mercury in mothers and their newborns
Placental transfer of cadmium, lead and mercury was studied under the conditions of environmental exposures of pregnant women to these heavy metals. Fifty pregnant women from industrial area and a similar control group from a semirural area were examined. Cadmium, lead and total mercury levels were determined in maternal erythrocytes and plasma, in placenta, and in erythrocytes and plasma of umbilical cord blood using atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
How Might Lead Affect Breastfeeding Mothers and Infants?
Women who have been or are currently exposed to lead can expose their fetus or infant to lead during pregnancy and lactation through blood and breast milk, which can have long-term effects on the neurodevelopment of their child. During pregnancy and lactation, mothers can have lead in their blood or breast milk for two reasons: They have been directly exposed to lead during pregnancy or lactation. Lead that is stored in a woman’s bones and teeth from a prior exposure to lead can be released during pregnancy or lactation.
Heavy Metals and Trace Elements in Human Breast Milk from Industrial/Mining and Agricultural Zones of Southeastern Spain
This exposure starts early as lead crosses the placental barrier, and the fact that it competes with calcium causes it to affect fetal and maternal bone function. Maternal bone is an endogenous source of lead, as a woman who has accumulated lead during her lifetime may have a significant store of lead in her bones. This accumulation suggests that women who have been exposed to lead in the past are at risk of exposing the developing fetus to lead via cord blood and, after birth, through breast milk [9]. Therefore, there is no safe level of exposure to lead or a threshold for adverse effects.
There are no safety reports on taking nano-sized liquid zeolites and the effects they may have on the body, let alone what would happen when they cross the placenta. TRS nano-sized liquid zeolite is made from manufactured (synthetic) zeolite. This fact is stated many times in the TRS white paper, where their claims are not substantiated by the references cited.
Synthetic zeolite is not safe to ingest in the long term because it releases aluminium into the body where it can accumulate. This does not occur with natural zeolite. It states in the Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo:
“… aluminum from the clinoptilolite materials does not enter the blood or accumulate in the body…”
“… aluminum released into systemic circulation was observed only in rats supplemented with synthetic zeolite A. The latter effect was attributed to the zeolite A lower stability in the acidic pH relevant for the human intestine in comparison to clinoptilolite materials.”
“In this study, authors also proved that clinoptilolite materials were efficient in the removal of aluminum from aluminum chloride-intoxicated rats in vivo. These observations may be attributed to the clinoptilolite stability …”
Liquid Zeolites
Liquid zeolites made from natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) are not dangerous but they are ineffective and a waste of money compared to Australian zeolite powder, which is very effective.
It depends upon your individual circumstances as to which product you choose. However, Activated Zeolite Powder is recommended for those people with a sensitive digestive system or a weak immune system.
What zeolite product do you recommend
Hi Ava, You can use our Australian Certified Organic Zeolite. However, Activated Zeolite Powder is recommended for those people with a sensitive digestive system or a weak immune system.
Hi Meg, information on how and when to take our products can be found at the link below:
Hi Eve, Information on how and when to take our products can be found at this link: