Will taking zeolite help with brain fog and fatigue?

This question is one of the most common ones customers ask me. The answer is yes; heavy metal toxicity can cause these health problems, as can be seen in the links below.
Some health practitioners who recommend our zeolite to their clients as a detox treatment use a bio‑resonance machine to chart their progress. These practitioners say they can see the levels of heavy metals and toxic chemicals dropping over the time zeolite is taken. They also find that most of their clients have a build‑up of heavy metals and chemicals. One practitioner recently told me that he now automatically puts every new client on to zeolite because the results speak for themselves.
These articles don’t suggest zeolite as a way of detoxing from heavy metals but do state that heavy metals can cause brain fog and fatigue.
Brain Fog by Lawrence Wilson, MD, The Center For Development © December 2009
Effects of Heavy Metal Poisoning during Pregnancy, International Research Journal of Environment Sciences by Kapoor Neeti, Assistant Professor, Institute of Forensic Science, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, INDIA and Tiwari Prakash, Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, MP, INDIA
This is an informative article about heavy metal toxicity.
Heavy Metal Toxicity by Rajkumar V1, Gupta V2, Book from StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island (FL), 19 Aug 2020