The Menopausal Roller Coaster and Heavy Metal Toxicity

The influence of heavy metal toxicity on the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause cannot be overstated. Issues such as hot flushes, mood swings, memory lapses, depression, irritability, and insomnia may all be exacerbated by the presence of these toxic elements in your system. Dr. Mindy Pelz, author of 'The Menopause Reset', explains that these symptoms are classic indicators that heavy metals are being released into your bloodstream.

Hormonal Swings and Heavy Metal Release

During periods of hormonal swing, heavy metals are released into your bloodstream and can travel to the brain, disrupting the regions responsible for hormone regulation. Elevated levels of heavy metal toxicity coupled with the hormonal swings of menopause can result in a range of uncomfortable symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, affecting your quality of life.

Problematic Heavy Metals

Among the most problematic heavy metals contributing to the hormonal roller coaster are lead, mercury, and cadmium. These toxic elements are linked to fertility issues, endocrine disruption, and their elevated presence in the bloodstream is often associated with the onset of menopause.

A simple method to stave off the early onset of menopause and its associated complications due to heavy metals is to regularly take Zeo Natural’s zeolite powder. This can help keep your toxicity levels as low as possible, promoting better health.


Lead is an extremely harmful heavy metal that enters the body through ingestion and inhalation. It accumulates in the kidneys, bone marrow, liver, brain, bones, teeth, and hair. During perimenopause and menopause, lead can be released into the bloodstream, leading to nerve irritation, weakened bones, and memory issues, which are all symptomatic of lead toxicity. According to Dr. Pelz, lead is a suppressant, slowing down your thoughts, robbing you of joy, weakening your bones and leaving you with dull chronic pain.


Mercury is another dangerous toxic element, absorbed through the skin, inhalation, and ingestion. It is stored in the kidneys, blood, spleen, brain, liver, bones, breast milk, hair, and fatty tissues. Dr. Pelz describes mercury as excitatory and is the metal that makes you feel agitated, irritable and restless and will keep you up at night as it is more of a stimulant. Dr Pelz also says that anxiety is already high in menopausal women due to declining levels of progesterone, but if a high mercury load is added to that, you’ve got yourself an irritable menopausal woman.


Cadmium is absorbed via inhalation and ingestion, storing itself in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, blood, salivary glands, and bones. During perimenopause and menopause, cadmium can enter the bloodstream, and if your toxicity levels are high, it can provoke feelings of anxiety, anger, and social withdrawal. Any existing respiratory or cardiac issues may be exacerbated during this time.

Common Sources of Heavy Metal Exposure

For non-smokers, the primary sources of heavy metal intake are food and environmental pollutants. Smokers, however, face additional exposure from tobacco, which is a significant source of lead and cadmium as these metals are readily absorbed from the soil and accumulate in the leaves of the plant.

Daily exposure to heavy metals is unavoidable, and awareness is crucial. Here is a link to a comprehensive list of heavy metal exposure sources:

Zeolite Powder for Detoxification

Regular use of zeolite powder is highly recommended to keep heavy metal toxicity at minimal levels. Zeo Natural’s potent Australian Organic Certified zeolite powder can help reduce your levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, and a broad spectrum of other harmful heavy metals and chemicals safely and effectively.

Navigating Menopause with Awareness and Detoxification

By understanding and mitigating the impact of heavy metal toxicity, you can navigate the menopausal roller coaster with greater ease and less discomfort. Integrating natural detoxification strategies like zeolite powder into your daily routine offers a proactive approach to maintaining hormonal balance and overall well-being during this transformative phase of life.

© Brenda White, August 2024. All rights reserved.

The Menopause Reset by Dr Mindy Pelz

Interaction of Metals, Menopause and COVID-19—A Review of the Literature

Australian Zeolite - Facts and Practical Uses by Brenda White

Main Image by LipikStock Media on Freepik

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