The Heavy Metal Content Of Australian Zeolite

The following are facts about the heavy metal content of Australian sodium zeolite (clinoptilolite). ‚

  • All zeolites, irregardless of their source, have heavy metals bonded within their porous three dimensional structure as it is their nature to bond with them. ‚
  • Different zeolites have different levels of heavy metals. The quantity makes no difference as they are all permanently bonded within the zeolite structure and cannot leach into the body. ‚
  • Zeolite is a hydrated aluminosilicate so aluminium is part of the zeolite structure. ‚
  • Without aluminium there would be no cation exchange. ‚
  • When you ingest zeolite, aluminium does not leach into the body. ‚
  • Zeolite exchanges cations as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. ‚
  • The cation exchange is the process where heavy metals and other toxins are drawn and bonded into the zeolite. ‚
  • During the cation exchange Australian zeolite exchanges a sodium ion for each toxic molecule bound.

Dr David Tomlinson BA BSc (Hons 1) PhD CChem MRACI MAIAST MAIFST, the Scientific Advisor at CMZ* describes the process:

“CMZ is a sodium zeolite. In the gastrointestinal tract CMZ binds to positively charged molecules including some toxins, and exchanges a sodium ion for each molecule bound. If the zeolite has been in the stomach at acid pH of 1 for any period of time the sodium ion would have already exchanged with an Hydrogen ion. After it has passed through into the alkaline part of the small intestine, the zeolite most likely would have reverted to the sodium form or may be binding an ammonium ion say, after digesting a meal.”

* CMZ is the supplier of our Australian Organic Certified zeolite.

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