How to Ease Sunburn

On a summer’s day in Australia, sunburn can occur in as little as 15 minutes. All types of sunburn, whether serious or mild, can cause permanent and irreversible skin damage. This could lay the groundwork for skin cancers to develop. Further sunburn only increases your risk of skin cancer. Over 2,000 Australians die from skin cancer each year1.
How to ease Sunburn
Use very thin zeolite mud to ease sunburn. If applied soon enough it soothes the burned area, takes away the pain, draws out the heat, takes away the redness and prevents blistering. The relief is wonderful.
Apply the mud very thinly to the affected area. When it has dried, reapply another layer on top of the first treatment. Continue building up layers until the sunburn has eased then rinse off with cool water.
Zeolite lotion will also help to soothe sunburn if applied thinly soon after exposure. Repeat applications as often as necessary.
How to make zeolite mud
2 level teaspoon zeolite powder
1 teaspoon water
Put zeolite powder into a small bowl, add water and stir until it is a smooth mud. If the zeolite mud falls off your skin, the mixture is too dry.
How to make zeolite lotion
1/4 to 1/2 level teaspoon zeolite powder
1 rounded tablespoon natural moisturising lotion
Put the zeolite powder into a very small bowl. Add about a quarter of the lotion then blend together until smooth. Add the remaining lotion and mix well. Store in a small airtight jar.