How to Make & Drink Zeolite Water

The best liquid zeolite is the zeolite water you make yourself and it’s also the best price!
A 50 ml bottle of so called liquid zeolite = 580 mg zeolite and will cost anywhere from $20.00 – $85.00
One level teaspoon of Australian zeolite powder = 2500 mg and costs 20c.
This is the equivalent dosage of about 5 full bottles of liquid zeolite for 20c.
Use the powder and you will save from $100.00 to $425.00 and get much more benefit!!!
There are several ways to make and drink zeolite water.
If you use Method 2 below you won’t be having a full dose so you will have to drink at least two or three glasses during the day, depending on how much sediment has settled.
Method 1 Add zeolite powder to a 200 ml – 250 ml glass of water, stir and drink the whole glass of zeolite water straight away. Drink more water afterwards.
Method 2 Add zeolite powder to a 200 ml – 250 ml glass of water, stir and leave to stand for a few minutes before drinking. This lets the larger particles of powder settle to the bottom of the glass. Add more water to drink later in the day or to use as a mouth wash. The remaining sediment can be used as emergency zeolite mud for first aid or as a face mask.
Method 3 For a gentle detox, add one teaspoon zeolite powder to 1 Lt water. Drink glasses of this mixture during the day, stir first before pouring.
The quantity consumed can be increased to two teaspoons in 2 Lt water daily. This method assures adequate hydration.
Hi, there is nothing mentioned in the FAQ about detox side effects. Can you list them please?
Hi Judy, We are not sure which zeolite you’ve been using but we can’t see the name Trudy on our order list for this month. One level quarter teaspoon of our zeolite is advised when starting a detox regime. There is a lot of information about zeolite on our website. If you scroll down to the bottom of the home page you will find links to scientific reports on zeolite’s therapeutic uses and a critical review of clinoptilolite safety. There are more articles in the Article section and our very popular book, Australian Zeolite – Facts and Practical Uses which has more than 180 pages of useful information.
Found out about Zeolite, last week ordered Zeolite Clinoptilolite, 3x TMA. I took some Zeolite last week, I had no idea how important it was to drink A LOT of Water with this dosage, 1 tsp. Needless to say I learned a huge lesson.
I just took a second approach, this time I added Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM. Not sure if that alters anything.
Very hard to find any information on this Mineral, I have books, searched the Internet, etc. I worked with Aluminum 2024 making Prototype aircraft for Cessna. Also Chemicals like MEK, fragments, curls, covered with oil were burned off in a heavy duty open Oven. We were working without masks, and inhaling these fumes for days. I also was in the USAF, had all kinds of exposure there. My body is holding onto all kinds of things of this I am sure. Getting rid of this junk in my body is super important to me.
Hi Fred, you can find the answer to your question on our FAQ’s page here:
You will find various testimonials here:
I am Curious, can you please spell out what Zeolite powder actually does, and are there any side effects.
Do you have any testimonials??