How to Make & Drink Zeolite Water

The best liquid zeolite is the zeolite water you make yourself and it’s also the best price!

A 50 ml bottle of so called liquid zeolite = 580 mg zeolite and will cost anywhere from $20.00 – $85.00

One level teaspoon of Australian zeolite powder = 2500 mg and costs 20c.

This is the equivalent dosage of about 5 full bottles of liquid zeolite for 20c.

Use the powder and you will save from $100.00 to $425.00 and get much more benefit!!!

There are several ways to make and drink zeolite water.

If you use Method 2 below you won’t be having a full dose so you will have to drink at least two or three glasses during the day, depending on how much sediment has settled.

Method 1 Add zeolite powder to a 200 ml – 250 ml glass of water, stir and drink the whole glass of zeolite water straight away. Drink more water afterwards.

Method 2 Add zeolite powder to a 200 ml – 250 ml glass of water, stir and leave to stand for a few minutes before drinking. This lets the larger particles of powder settle to the bottom of the glass. Add more water to drink later in the day or to use as a mouth wash. The remaining sediment can be used as emergency zeolite mud for first aid or as a face mask.

Method 3 For a gentle detox, add one teaspoon zeolite powder to 1 Lt water. Drink glasses of this mixture during the day, stir first before pouring.

The quantity consumed can be increased to two teaspoons in 2 Lt water daily. This method assures adequate hydration.


  • DGH – In answer to your question: the zeolite water will last as long as you would usually keep water. The zeolite doesn’t deteriorate but the water does.

  • How long can the zeolite water be stored? It’s says to drink immediately but can I premix for an entire week or month or longer? Is it stable in water?

  • Hi Lyn, Zeolite should not be taken while undergoing chemotherapy but can be taken afterwards. To avoid over-detox symptoms, take small amounts of zeolite at first and increase the dose gradually.

  • Is it safe to take zeolite water whilst undergoing chemotherapy?

  • Hi Nic, If you follow the instructions on this page, you should not experience side-effects:


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